Sunday, 7 November 2010

Cancer Stick Clothing Eco-friendly?

FACT:  Researchers say that in 2008, some 4.5 trillion cigarettes were stubbed out all over the world.
Alexandra Guerrero is a Chilean designer who discovered that cigarette butts, if properly cleaned, can be recycled into a wool-like fabric and made into stylish, durable and eco-friendly clothing. According to ButtsOut an estimated 4.3 trillion cigarette butts are discarded around the world each year. So far Guerrero has used about 5,000 cleaned and recycled cigarette butts to design a dress, a vest, a hat a poncho and even some soap. 5,000 recycled cigarette butts isn't much of an impact compared to the amount littered each year but it is a start and Guerrero does hope to recycle more in the future.

To clean the cigarette butts they are first placed through an autoclaves. Then the cigarette butts are washed in a polar solvent, put back in an autoclaves, rinsed, dried and then shredded. Once cleaned the recycled cigarette fiber is dyed different colors and separated by color. The colored cigarette fibers are then spun together with natural sheep wool. This end fabric is what is used to make the clothing. About 10% of the fabric is recycled cigarette butts. When financially feasible Guerrero hopes to increase the percentage of cigarette butts to wool in the fabric mix.

Alexandra Guerrero Article

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